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How to Take Action to Achieve Work-Life Balance and Business Growth

Writer: Jayne RobinsonJayne Robinson

Updated: Nov 14, 2024

by Jayne Robinson, JR Coaching

Head and shoulders image of Jayne Robinson from JR Coaching

Many business owners and entrepreneurs express the desire to free up time for themselves and their families without compromising business growth when they speak with me. They say they want to find greater alignment in life and to listen to their calling.

Why do we struggle to do what's best for us? When stress is high, it's human nature to choose the easiest path, even when it doesn't benefit us. Unfortunately, our subconscious coping mechanisms may also be addictive patterns or behaviours. Business owners may also experience emotions, such as guilt over delegating tasks or not investing in personal and business growth, and anxiety when handing over the reins to colleagues. A stalemate takes place. Instead of addressing these issues head on, we often procrastinate or ignore these challenges, remaining stuck and repeating the same old familiar patterns. Which makes sense when you think about it on a deep human behavioural level.

What human needs impact our work-life balance and business growth

In order to take action to achieve work-life balance and business growth, we need to understand the human needs that influence us. Tony Robbins, an American author, coach and speaker who is known for his seminars, and self-help books often speaks about the 6 basic human needs, adapted from Maslow's theory. He speaks about how each day we are living out these needs by the use of a variety of vehicles which are either healthy or unhealthy.

1. Certainty

  • Positive: Seeking stability and predictability in business operations and finances. Developing positive personal daily routines to create a sense of control and certainty to balance with the unknown.

  • Negative: Over-reliance on stability may mean we resist necessary changes or taking calculated risks. Like doing certain business tasks ourselves rather than delegating or outsourcing them, staying in a toxic relationship because it is what is known, aka certain.

2. Variety (Uncertainty/Variety)

  • Positive: Embracing creativity and innovation, exploring new opportunities.

  • Negative: Excessive pursuit of variety can lead to inconsistency and confusion. Chasing the shiniest, newest object or project can lead to an inability to stay committed and to spending money or time unnecessarily.

3. Significance

  • Positive: Striving for achievement, recognition, and making a meaningful impact.

  • Negative: Overemphasis on personal significance might overshadow ethical considerations or team dynamics and lead to an over inflated ego.

4. Connection/Love

Tony couples these together as most choose connection because love is too scary.

  • Positive: Building strong relationships with family, employees, customers, and stakeholders.

  • Negative: Neglecting connections can lead to isolation and strained relationships, impacting morale and creating problems like burnout or fatigue.

5. Growth

  • Positive: Driven by continuous learning, improvement, and adaptation to market changes.

  • Negative: Resisting growth or becoming complacent can hinder progress, profitability and innovation

6. Contribution

  • Positive: Fulfilling a sense of purpose by giving back to the community and making a positive impact.

  • Negative: Ignoring the need for contribution may lead to a lack of purpose or ethical dilemmas and feeling empty in life.

These needs shape how business owners approach challenges, relationships, and growth within their enterprises and families. When we become stuck, we choose habitually, unable to take action and change our work-life balance, missing opportunities for personal and business growth, success and fulfilment.

Work-life balance, personal and business growth

Ultimately making the investment in change, whether it’s having more time with family, or diving deeper into one’s own personal struggles are not just about immediate costs but about long-term gains and personal fulfilment. It is therefore crucial to introspect: are we where we want to be in life and business, or are we deceiving ourselves? Visualising and thinking about change and success is powerful, but it must be coupled with action, often involving a leap of faith.

Life and business resemble a video game, akin to embarking on a heroic quest; each level conquered leads to tougher challenges and sweeter rewards. Adaptation and growth are essential to level up. Blockbuster's demise against Netflix illustrates this principle vividly.

Identifying misalignment with personal and business growth

Joseph Campbell's concept of the Hero's Journey can be a powerful metaphor for identifying misalignment with personal and business growth. Each step is a point where one may be faced with uncertainty or change, and the call to level up for the better. As you read this, ask yourself: “Where do you find yourself refusing the call!?”

1. The call to adventure

This is the moment when the hero receives a call to adventure, which could come in the form of a message, a dream, or an encounter with a mentor or guide.

2. The refusal of the call

At this stage, the hero may initially refuse the call to adventure, often due to fear, doubt, or a sense of inadequacy.

3. Meeting the mentor

The hero encounters a mentor or guide who provides support, advice, and guidance on the journey ahead.

4. Crossing the threshold

The hero leaves behind the known world and crosses the threshold into the unknown, often encountering tests, trials, and challenges along the way.

5. Tests, allies, and enemies

The hero must navigate a series of tests, trials, and challenges, often with the help of allies and the opposition of enemies.

6. The approach to the inmost cave

The hero approaches the innermost cave or the heart of darkness, often facing their greatest fears and challenges.

7. The ordeal

This is the moment of the hero’s greatest challenge, where they face a major obstacle or enemy and must overcome it to continue their journey.

8. The reward

The hero achieves a reward—often in the form of knowledge, insight, or a powerful object—that helps them on their journey.

9. The road back

The hero begins the journey back, often encountering new challenges and obstacles along the way.

10. The resurrection

The hero experiences a moment of death and rebirth, often symbolized by a physical or metaphorical transformation.

11. The return

The hero returns home, transformed and changed by their experiences, armed with new knowledge and insights that they can use to benefit their community.

12. The freedom to live

The hero achieves a state of freedom and enlightenment, often living happily ever after or in a state of balance and harmony.

Now that you have identified where you are out of alignment with personal and business growth you can proceed. Still uncomfortable making a move? Perhaps you find that you are in a deadlock with taking action and dealing with that nemesis, procrastination. Let’s debunk how you can handle that monster.

Dealing with procrastination for business and personal growth

Mel Robbins is a renowned motivational speaker, author, and former criminal defence attorney who has inspired millions with her practical advice on overcoming procrastination and taking action. She is best known for her transformative tool, the 5-Second Rule, which she developed to help people break through mental barriers and start achieving their goals.

The 5-Second Rule: A Simple Tool for Taking Action

The Premise: Whenever you have an impulse to act on a goal or a positive habit, you have a narrow window to move before your brain starts talking you out of it. This is typically just five seconds.

Counting Backwards: As soon as you feel the urge to take action, start counting backwards: 5-4-3-2-1. This countdown interrupts your usual pattern of overthinking or hesitation.

Move: When you reach "1," immediately take action. Whether it's making a decision, starting a task, or taking the first step towards your goal, this simple act of movement shifts you out of your autopilot mode and into active decision-making.

Applying the 5-Second Rule in Business

The 5-Second Rule can be a game-changer in overcoming procrastination when facing challenging tasks as business owner, or when tackling areas of personal growth. Here's how you can apply this technique to your business:

  1. Identify Key Actions: Recognize the crucial tasks you often put off—like reconciling accounts, reviewing financial statements, setting budgets, hiring staff, outsourcing, leaving work at a designated time, or allocating time for family holidays. Or perhaps they are actions like breaking down the barriers whether they are emotional or otherwise, being prepared to step into uncertainty, levelling up to be the best version of oneself, or finding a professional to support your development and growth.

  2. Use the Rule: When you know you need to tackle these tasks, use the 5-4-3-2-1 technique to overcome your resistance. As soon as you think about the task, count backwards and take immediate action, whether it’s opening your accounting software, writing notes for your budget or contacting a professional coach.

  3. Build Momentum: Starting with small steps can build momentum. By using the 5-Second Rule consistently, you train your brain to take action quickly, reducing the mental friction that leads to procrastination.

  4. Create a Routine: Integrate the 5-Second Rule into your daily routine. For example, if you struggle with reviewing your finances, set a daily or weekly reminder and apply the rule to ensure you start and complete these reviews.

Why the 5-Second Rule Works

The 5-Second Rule leverages the psychological principle of metacognition, helping you disrupt negative thought patterns and initiate positive actions. By counting backwards, you create a moment of focus that propels you to act before your brain can come up with excuses.

Mel Robbins’ 5-Second Rule is more than just a motivational tool; it's a practical strategy for overcoming inertia and making progress in your business. Start using this technique to tackle those essential but daunting tasks and watch how it transforms your productivity, paving the way for sustained growth and success.

Where can you get help to Take Action to Achieve Work-Life Balance and Business Growth?

As a business owner myself, I understand that you have lots or pressures and conflicting priories. It may feel like taking action on achieving work-life balance and business growth will take up too much time. Exactly what you are trying to save! I can help guide you in a focused and efficient way so that you get the most value and best outcome for your investment of time. I have worked with clients like ABA Advice Beyond Accounting to coach their teams about mindset and positivity. However, my coaching services are always tailored to suit your specific personal or business goals.

If you’re ready to take action, I offer a complimentary 30-minute discovery call to discuss your goals and structure a tailored coaching roadmap to help you reset and take your life to the next level. Allowing you to achieve your deepest desires and soul’s calling so you can expand your vision and contribution in the world.

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